Advise and counselling after full and complete medical history and relevant investigation results.
Diagnosing the cause of Infertility which is most important.
Fertility enhancing endoscopic surgery.
Instrumental and operative deliveries with special emphasis on high-risk cases.
Affiliated hospitals are tertiary care referral centers for active management of high-risk and complicated obstetric cases.
In 1985 first to start painless labour with continuous epidural.
Special skills in the use of Obstetric forceps to facilitate vaginal delivery.
Emergency / complicated cases transferred from private Nursing Homes, accepted and handled by me.
Established protocols for Emergency obstetric practice which have been put up in the Labour Room.
For dangerous cases such as ‘Placenta accreta’, Dr Kevin has devised a three stage protocol which has brought mortality to zero and reduced morbidity. He has been successful in safely resolving over 30 such cases in the last few years.
Trained with some of the best Vaginal Surgeons in the country.
Performed most of the Gynaecological Operations, both Abdominal and Vaginal, over the past three decades.
Major gynaecological surgery performed for colleagues at the hospital, due to expertise.
Special clinic for advice and guidance on protocol to be observed for all women after age 40 such as BMD, Pelvic Sonography, Mamography, Pap smear/LBC (Liquid base cytology, Colposcopy.
Post menopausal management and counselling on immediate, intermediate and late effects of menopause.
December 1998 was one of two doctors to be invited to All India seminar in New Delhi to set guidelines for National use of HRT (Hormonal Replacement Therapy).